Minna K. Ruokonen-Engler
Migration, Gender and Transnationality Studies, Social Inequality and Discrimination in Education and Work, Social Mobility and Gender and Generational Relations, Status Passages and Biographical Transitions, Emotions and Affects, Knowledge Production and Critical Methodologies, Qualitative Methods and Reconstructive Social Research
Studies in Social and Cultural Sciences at the University of Jyväskylä and Kent University at Canterbury. Doctoral fellow of the interdisciplinary DFG Research Training Group »Public Spheres and Gender Relations. Dimensions of Experience« at Goethe University Frankfurt and the University of Kassel. 2009 doctorate (Dr. phil.) at the Goethe University Frankfurt. From 2009 to 2016 and from 2018 to 2019 Research Associate at the Institute of Sociology and in the area of Women's and Gender Studies at Goethe University Frankfurt. Since 2016 Research Associate and coordinator of the working group Field Research at the Institute for Social Research.
Ruokonen-Engler, Minna-Kristiina 2021: “Du solltest es besser haben…” – zur Intersektionalität von sozialer Mobilität, Generation und Geschlecht in Migrationsfamilien, in GENDER – Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft 13. 3, 26-41.
Kontos, Maria and Minna-Kristiina Ruokonen-Engler 2021: Nurses Wanted! – Die Pflegefachkräftemigration im Kontext globaler Ungleichheiten, in Birgit Blättel-Mink (ed.): Gesellschaft unter Spannung. Verhandlungen des 40. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie 2020, 1-10.
Kontos, Maria and Minna-Kristiina Ruokonen-Engler 2020: Zur Kulturalisierung als Zuschreibungspraxis im Kontext der Pflegefachkräftemigration, in Migration und Soziale Arbeit 42. 4, 24–31.
Ruokonen-Engler, Minna-Kristiina and Anja Wolde 2020: Changing Institutions: Diversität als Herausforderung für Hochschulen in einer globalisierten, postmigrantischen Gesellschaft, in Katrin Huxel, Juliane Karakayali, Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck, Marianne Schmidbaur, Kyoko Shinozaki, Tina Spies, Linda Supik and Elisabet Tuider (eds.): Postmigrantisch gelesen – Transnationalität, Gender. Bielefeld: transcript, 285-303.
Pütz, Robert, Maria Kontos, Christa Larsen, Sigrid Rand and Minna-Kristiina Ruokonen-Engler 2019: Betriebliche Integration von Pflegefachkräften aus dem Ausland. Innenansichten zu Herausforderungen globalisierter Arbeitsmärkte. Düsseldorf: Hans-Böckler-Stiftung Study No. 416.
Ruokonen-Engler, Minna-Kristiina 2019: Globalisierte Pflegefachkräftemigration aus geschlechtertheoretischer Perspektive: Dilemmata betrieblicher Integration, in Migration und Soziale Arbeit 41. 3, 242-251.
Ruokonen-Engler, Minna-Kristiina 2018: Bildung und Biographie, in Helma Lutz, Martina Schiebel and Elisabeth Tuider (eds.): Handbuch Biographieforschung. Wiesbaden: VS Springer, 439-448.
Ruokonen-Engler, Minna-Kristiina and Irini Siouti 2016: Biographical Entanglements, Self-Reflexivity, and Transnational Knowledge Production, in Qualitative Inquiry 22. 9, 745–752.
Ruokonen-Engler, Minna-Kristiina 2016: Transnational positioniert und transkulturell verflochten: Zur Frage der Konstitution und Konstruktion von Zugehörigkeiten in Migrationsprozessen, in Kerstin Kazzazi, Angela Treiber and Tim Wätzold (eds.): Migration – Religion – Identität. Aspekte transkultureller Prozesse: Migration – Religion – Identity. Aspects of Transculturation Processes. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 243–261.
Ruokonen-Engler, Minna-Kristiina 2015: Gendered Transnational Labour Migration: Solution or Dilemma for Nation-States?, in Katja Sarkowsky, Frank-Olaf Schultze and Sabine Schwarze (eds.): Migration, Regionalization, Citizenship: Comparing Canada and Europe. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 67–84.
Ruokonen-Engler, Minna-Kristiina 2021: Entering the Research Field: Affective Autoethnographic Encounters. 15th ESA Conference “Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures.” Barcelona, September 1.
Ruokonen-Engler, Minna-Kristiina 2021: I Didn’t Get That Interview! Dealing with Feelings of Disappointment and Learning from Your Own Frustration in Biographical Research, IV Forum of Sociology/International Sociological Association (ISA) “Challenges of the 21st Century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality.” Porto Alegre, February 27.
Ruokonen-Engler, Minna-Kristiina 2021: Geschlecht reflexiv (re)konstruieren. Sigmund Freud Institute (SFI) Frankfurt am Main, March 11.
Ruokonen-Engler, Minna-Kristiina 2021: Mittels subjektiver Involviertheit zu transnationaler Wissensproduktion? Annual Conference of the Section Intercultural and International Comparative Education (SIIVE) “Dissolving Borders – Drawing Borders. Working on Borders between Educational Science, Politics and Society.” TU Dortmund, February 19.
Ruokonen-Engler, Minna-Kristiina and Maria Kontos 2020: Nurses Wanted! – Die Pflegefachkräftemigration im Kontext globaler Ungleichheiten. 40. German Sociological Association (DGS) Congress “Society under Tension.” Berlin, September 15.
2021: Panel “Doing Biographical Research Under Conditions of Pandemic: Methodological Challenges and Methodological Innovations,” IV Forum of Sociology/International Sociological Association (ISA) “Challenges of the 21st Century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality.” Porto Alegre, February 26, with Tazuko Kobayashi.
2021: Panel “Bedingungen und Begrenzungen von transnationaler Wissensproduktion,” Annual Conference of the Section for Intercultural and International Comparative Education (SIIVE) “Dissolving Borders – Drawing Borders. Working on Borders between Educational Science, Politics and Society.” TU Dortmund, February 19, with Christine Hunner-Kreisel and Jessica Schwittek.
2021: Research Workshop “Sozialforschung unter Pandemiebedingungen.” Institute for Social Research Frankfurt, January 25, with Perla Charles, Kai Dröge and Annette Hilscher.
2020: Workshop “Affective Inequalities in Intimate Relationships,” GRADE Research Initiative “Love, Emotions and Intimacies.” Goethe University Frankfurt, February 21, with Dolores del Carmen Theurer and Ina Schaum.
2019: Workshop “Normativity and Critique in Field Research.” Institute for Social Research Frankfurt, December 12-13, with Annette Hilscher, Sarah Mühlbacher, Felix Roßmeißl, Irini Siouti and Andreas Streinzer.
2019: Workshop “With Gender Knowledge into Practice! Practice Day for Gender Studies Students.” Department of Social Sciences and Cornelia Goethe Center for Women's Studies and the Study of Gender Relations at Goethe University Frankfurt, November 22, with Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck.
2019: Workshop “Ambivalent Emotions in Qualitative Research,” GRADE Research Initiative “Love, Emotions and Intimacies.” Goethe University Frankfurt, May 22, with Dolores del Carmen Theurer and Ina Schaum.
2018: Workshop “Machtverhältnisse in der Forschungspraxis als ethische Herausforderung und Gegenstand der Reflexion.” Institute for Social Research Frankfurt, May 28-29, with Annette Hilscher, Felix Roßmeißl, Minna-Kristiina Ruokonen-Engler, Irini Siouti, and Andreas Streinzer.
Autonomous Immigration and Recruitment of Foreign Nursing Personnel: Dynamics of Operational Integration in the Care Sector (BIGA/Business Integration in Globalized Labor Markets)
Opening participatory routes: Mentoring and building capacity for active citizenship from a gender perspective (Parti GE.MI.)
Integration of Female Immigrants in Labor Market and Society. Policy Assessment and Policy Recommendations (FEMIPOL)

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