academic title

Marcel Stoetzler

Research Interests

Critical social theory, theory and history of antisemitism, feminist theory, theory of racism, historical sociology, populist nationalism


Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Bangor University. Member of the editorial board of Patterns of Prejudice. Associate Research Fellow at the Birkbeck Institute for the study of Antisemitism, London, and Honorary Research Fellow at the Centre for Jewish Studies, The University of Manchester. Horkheimer Fellow at the Institute for Social Research in 2024.

Publications (selection)

Stoetzler, Marcel 2024: The antisemitism of producers: Hitler and the »rhetoric of bourgeois revolution«, in Critical Historical Studies 11(2), (forthcoming).

Stoetzler, Marcel (ed.) 2023: Critical Theory and the Critique of Antisemitism, London: Bloomsbury.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2019: Learning from the power of things: labour, civilization and emancipation in Horkheimer and Adorno’s Dialectic of Enlightenment, in: Marxism 21 16(2), 210–235.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2018: Critical Theory and the critique of anti-imperialism, in Beverly Best, Werner Bonefeld and Chris O’Kane (eds.): The Sage Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory, vol. 3. London: Sage, 1467–1486.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2017: From interacting systems to a system of divisions: The concept of society and the “mutual constitution” of intersecting social divisions, in: European Journal of Social Theory 20(4), 455–472.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2017: Beginning Classical Social Theory, Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Stoetzler, Marcel. 2016: Intersectional individuality: Georg Simmel’s concept of »the intersection of social circles« and the emancipation of women, in: Sociological Inquiry 86(2), 216–240.

Stoetzler, Marcel (ed.) 2014: Antisemitism and the Constitution of Sociology, Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2008: The State, the Nation and the Jews, Liberalism and the Antisemitism Dispute in Bismarck’s Germany, Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2007: Antisemitism, the Bourgeoisie, and the Self-Destruction of the Nation-State, in: Richard King and Dan Stone (eds.): Hannah Arendt and the Uses of History, Imperialism, Nation, Race, and Genocide, Oxford: Berghahn, 130–146.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2017: Beginning Classical Social Theory, Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2008: The State, the Nation and the Jews, Liberalism and the Antisemitism Dispute in Bismarck’s Germany, Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press.

Stoetzler, Marcel (ed.) 2023: Critical Theory and the Critique of Antisemitism, London: Bloomsbury.

Stoetzler, Marcel (ed.) 2014: Antisemitism and the Constitution of Sociology, Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press.

Stoetzler, Marcel (ed.) 2010: Modern antisemitism and the emergence of sociology, Patterns of Prejudice 44(2).

Stoetzler, Marcel 2024: The antisemitism of producers: Hitler and the »rhetoric of bourgeois revolution«, in Critical Historical Studies 11(2), (forthcoming).

Stoetzler, Marcel 2021: Anti-liberal liberals, the nation and liberal antisemitism, in: Constelaciones, Revista de Teoría Crítica 13, 203–237.

Stoetzler, Marcel  2021: Capitalismo, nación y corrosión social: notas sobre el »antisemitismo de izquierda«, in: Bajo el volcán, revista del posgrado de sociologia de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla 2(4) 327–359 (translation of a revised and abridged version of the 2019 piece in Journal of Social Justice).

Stoetzler, Marcel 2020: For a dialectical concept of culture, in: Cured Quail 2, 8–22.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2019: Capitalism, the nation and societal corrosion: notes on »left-wing antisemitism«, in: Journal of Social Justice 9, 1–45.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2019: Learning from the power of things: labour, civilization and emancipation in Horkheimer and Adorno’s Dialectic of Enlightenment, in: Marxism 21, 16(2), 210–235.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2017: From interacting systems to a system of divisions: The concept of society and the »mutual constitution« of intersecting social divisions, in: European Journal of Social Theory 20(4), 455–472.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2016: Intersectional individuality: Georg Simmel’s concept of »the intersection of social circles« and the emancipation of women, in: Sociological Inquiry 86(2), 216–240.

Stoetzler, Marcel and Christine Achinger 2013: German Modernity, Barbarous Slavs and Profit-seeking Jews: The Cultural Racism of Nationalist Liberals, in: Nations and Nationalism 19(4), 739–760.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2012: On the possibility that the revolution that will end capitalism might fail to usher in communism, in: Journal of Classical Sociology 12(2), 191–204.

Stoetzler, Marcel and Jean-Marc Dreyfus 2011: Holocaust Memory in the Twenty-first Century: between National Reshaping and Globalisation, in: European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire 18(1), 69–78.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2010: Antisemitism, capitalism, and the formation of sociological theory, in: Patterns of Prejudice 44(2), 160–193.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2010: El Marx de Postone: un teórico de la sociedad moderna, los movimientos sociales de ésta y su aprisionamiento por el trabajo abstracto, in: Bajo el volcán, revista del posgrado de sociologia de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla 9(15), 139–168 (translation of Stoetzler 2004).

Stoetzler, Marcel 2008: Cultural difference in the national state: from trouser-selling Jews to unbridled multiculturalism, in: Patterns of Prejudice 42(3), 245–279.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2005: Subject Trouble: Judith Butler and Dialectics, in: Philosophy and Social Criticism 31(3), 343–369.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2005: On how to make Adorno scream, Some notes on John Holloway’s »Change the World Without Taking Power«, in: Historical Materialism 13(4), 193–215.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2004: Postone’s Marx, a theorist of modern society, its social movements and its captivity by abstract labour, in: Historical Materialism 12(3), 261–283.

Stoetzler, Marcel 2003: Leer a Butler al revés. Sobre en lo que uno se convierte, en lo que uno se incluye y lo que uno no es, in: Bajo el volcán, revista del posgrado de sociologia de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla 6, 108–141.

Stoetzler, Marcel and Nira Yuval-Davis 2002: Imagined Boundaries and Borders, A Gendered Gaze, in: The European Journal of Women’s Studies 9(3), 329–344.

Stoetzler, Marcel and Nira Yuval-Davis 2002: Standpoint Theory, Situated Knowledge – and the Situated Imagination, in: Feminist Theory 3(3), 315–333.

The concept of racialization and the dichotomy of antisemitism and racism

The project concerns the relationship of the concepts of »racism« and »antisemitism«. Antisemitism can be argued to be »a form of racism« (as had been common in most of the classic studies of racism) without thereby subsuming (and trivializing) it as »a particular« under racism as »the universal« as long as »race« is understood in an anti-essentialist (or anti-realist) manner as the societal process of »racialization« (as anti-racist scholars first proposed in the 1980s). Bringing the critique of antisemitism back into the study and critique of racism requires recuperating a broader understanding of racism as a social form that neither exclusively focuses on colour codes and the colonial context of their emergence nor is blind to its populist, seemingly anti-hegemonic or »anti-elite« forms.

IFS-CUT 0142-01
Horkheimer Fellowship
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