»To create is to live twice« – Camusian Evening

Kooperationsveranstaltung mit Trobades & Premis Mediterranis Albert Camus

Mit Beiträgen von Brigitte Sändig, Alfonso Armada und Berta Vias Mahou

In 2022, Spain is the guest of honour at the international book fair in Frankfurt with the slogan "Spain overflowing creativity" and the organisation of the Trobades & Premis Mediterranis Albert Camus would like to put forward a proposal accordingly. As a platform for critical Mediterranean thought with Albert Camus as a beacon, we propose to address how the life and work of the French-Algerian writer with Menorcan roots have inspired contemporary creators from the Spanish-speaking and German-speaking world. This would be a way of reflecting on the imprint of Albert Camus' legacy in our country, as well as in Germany, but also on the function of creation and the role of fiction in our contemporary societies.

«To create is to live twice»
Myth of Sisyphus, 1942

As an artist by vocation, Albert Camus considered that he exercised the craft of writing, a demanding and absorbing craft that placed him in a perpetual tension in relation to the others and to his time, to whom he felt responsible. He loved the craft of writing, even though he often doubted his talent and was often dissatisfied with what he wrote. But creation is, according to him, one of the pinnacles of freedom and human rebellion. In this meeting we would like to make room for writers, thinkers, artists who have been influenced by the life and work of Albert Camus. Some of them simply have Camus as a reference, others have used his work to construct their own fictions, while others have incarnated his characters.



19.00 – 19.30 h Presentation

Presentation of the objectives and content of the Trobades & Premis Mediterranis Albert Camus and the programme.

19.30 – 21.00 h Conference and conversation

Conference offered by Brigitte Sändig (1944, Germany) Specialist of Camus
In German (20- 25 minutes max)

Conversation between:

Alfonso Armada (1958, Spain) journalist and editor of FronteraD and Berta Vias Mahou (1961, Spain) Writer
In Spanish (20 minutes each + conversation and questions with the public)


Die Veranstaltung auf Spanisch und Deutsch wird simultan übersetzt und kann sowohl persönlich als auch online (via ZOOM-Videokonferenz) besucht werden.

Wenn Sie teilnehmen möchten, schreiben Sie bitte an anmeldung@ifs.uni-frankfurt.de und teilen uns mit, ob Sie in Präsenz (begrenzte Anzahl von Plätzen) oder (mit Interaktionsmöglichkeit) online teilnehmen möchten.

YouTube-Livestream: https://youtu.be/ZK8euKnZSRk



The event in Spanish and German will be simultaneously translated and can be attended both in person and online (via ZOOM video conference).

If you would like to attend, please write to anmeldung@ifs.uni-frankfurt.de and let us know whether you would like to attend in presence (limited number of places) or (with the possibility of interaction) online.

YouTube livestream: https://youtu.be/ZK8euKnZSRk



El acto en Español y Alemán contará con interpretación simultánea y se podrá asistir tanto de forma presencial como en línea (mediante videoconferencia ZOOM).

Si desea asistir, escríbanos a anmeldung@ifs.uni-frankfurt.de e indíquenos si desea asistir de forma presencial (número limitado de plazas) o (con la posibilidad de interactuar) en línea.

Transmisión en directo en YouTube: https://youtu.be/ZK8euKnZSRk

Localización: Institut für Sozialforschung
